In their own words… Our first training day!

This year is flying by fast! It feels like it was only last week we completed projects eight and nine, from HMPs The Mount & Bronzefield. Don’t forget to order your copy of ‘One Day Too Long’ & ‘Echoes From Our Time’ if you haven’t already☺.
Now we’re back and we’ve completed two back-to-back projects, at HMPs Onley and Swinfen Hall. The resulting albums will be released soon so keep your eyes and ears open.
But wait, this is just the beginning – we’re already back “On the Road Again” for new projects at HMP Rochester and next month, HMP Ford. With these four projects completed by the end of May and six more to come, this is going to be a jammed packed year for us… A great year to unlock more potential.
Through all of this it’s wonderful to receive the feedback of prisoners and staff, some of which I’ll share below. The positive change that takes place within some of the participants and the self-realisation that it’s possible to overcome barriers – barriers that are so often placed in front of these men and women on a daily basis – is amazing to witness. With something as simple as music, this can bring forth unfound talent, confidence, self-esteem and motivation to do better in the future.
And to top it all off, this month we held our first ever practitioner training day and I must say what a fantastic outcome it was. I was lucky enough to take part and to be able to interact with the guest musicians was a pleasure – from musical activities to group discussions. A day that took me out of my comfort zone and gave me an insight into the amount of work (physically and mentally) that takes place within the prison in order to produce outstanding results.
On which note, here’s some of the glowing feedback we’ve received so far this year:
“I haven’t really had much of a life on the outside. Doing this course has made me feel grateful to be alive”
Paul, project participant at HMP Onley
“I’m not really a talker. Finding Rhythms has opened me up and allowed me to express myself through the music.”
Simeon, project participant at HMP Onley
“The work you guys do is invaluable to establishments such as ourselves. It is easy for us to get lost in the midst of OFSTED targets and recommendations and forget that there are many prisoners here who are incredibly talented, not necessarily in an academic sense, but creatively.
Mr C Gowlett, Head of Reducing Re-Offending, HMP Swinfen Hall
“Not only do you manage to engage them creatively though, it was evident that through the process you instil important life and team working skills which will hopefully be taken forward by those involved. The fact that you offer a qualification as part of the process only makes the course an even more rewarding and invaluable experience.”
“In prison we don’t get the opportunity to do this sort of thing. I’ve been in this prison a year and a half and I’ve never once seen a music course or a creative opportunity to get involved in.”
Geoff, project participant at HMP Swinfen Hall
“I would like to thank all at Finding Rhythms for the wonderful opportunity you give to prisoners. It is fascinating to watch the group dynamics unfold as the course progresses and particularly rewarding to see prisoners develop themselves positively for the future. …it really does make a difference and in my view is funding well spent indeed.”
Mr D Towse, Custodial Manager, HMP The Mount
“I’m a shy person, I don’t normally associate with many people. Thank you for making me feel welcome.”
Patrick, project participant at HMP Onley
“The course has shown me how versatile I can be. It’s brought me out of my shell and out of my comfort zone.”
Richie, project participant at HMP Swinfen Hall
“The way that you record is new to me and to see the end results is absolutely fascinating. In all my experience of music I’ve never seen it done that way. It’s been a real eye-opener.”
Wesley, project participant at HMP Onley
“The participants have found the course very rewarding. The understanding, patience and professionalism of the Finding Rhythms’ staff have shown to be key in their development. I would recommend the project to anyone and hope that Finding Rhythms can return to Onley HMP”
Mr N Dowling, Head of Interventions, HMP Onley
“One of the best things I’ve done since I’ve been in prison.”
Carl, project participant at HMP Swinfen Hall