Finding Rhythms Support Event – October 2019

In early October another eclectic group of Finding Rhythms supporters gathered at the offices of Premier Communications, where they were treated to songs by three of our recent learners on projects at Rugby Portobello Trust and Only Connect. This was our second informal showcase of the year, and like the first it hummed with lively conversation between our friends from the worlds of music, law, education, academia and….the Colombian prisons ministry!
Not all of our learners want to perform, or aspire to a music career, but for those who do, it’s great that they can share their music with an invited audience, and get the kind of glowing feedback that we heard that evening.
Thanks to all who attended the event, to those who made a donation, made an introduction or offered help. We value all your support. More showcases to follow in 2020!
If you would like to be added to the guest list for future events, please email [email protected]
Clare Annamalai