Evaluation of Making Waves published

Led by chartered psychologist Dr. Dean Wilkinson and his research team at Edge Hill University, an evaluation of the first year of Making Waves found that the programme served as a deterrent to criminal activity, supporting participant’s rehabilitation.

Making Waves is our flagship one-to-one music making programme designed for people at risk of offending or those leaving prison. Over 10 sessions, participants work with a professional producer in our private studio to create, record, and release their own music, building confidence and gaining new skills along the way.

Alongside music-making, participants can also gain a King’s Trust qualification in Personal Development and Employability Skills, receive tailored mentoring from Trailblazers to support them into employment, and join our alumni programme for live performance opportunities, industry masterclasses, and ongoing support.

The qualitative study was conducted to explore the programme’s development, implementation, and participant experiences. This included interviews with 14 participants and a focus group with staff to gain deeper insights into its impact, successes, and areas for improvement.

Branded headphones on a table


The report found that participants reported significant improvements among participants in the following areas:

Musical skill development and aspiration

  • Participants reported significant improvements in their music-making abilities
  • The programme reignited a passion for music and provided a pathway for continued artistic development
  • Many participants aligned their personal goals with the skills gained through the programme

Emotional benefits

  • Participants experienced reduced stress and anxiety
  • The programme fostered positive emotions and enhanced overall well-being
  • Many expressed deep appreciation for the emotional support and creative outlet provided

Personal and social development

  • The programme improved teamwork and communication skills
  • Participants reported positive influences on other areas of life, such as decision-making and personal growth
  • Engaging in music-making acted as a deterrent to criminal activity, supporting rehabilitation efforts